UNE-EN 62489-1:2011 Electroacoustics. Induction loop systems for audiofrequency in assisted hearing. Part 1: Methods of measurement and specification of the operation of system components

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-EN 62489-1:2011 Electroacústica. Sistemas de bucle de inducción para audiofrecuencia en audición asistida. Parte 1: Métodos de medida y especificación del funcionamiento de los componentes del sistema

Current update: February 9, 2011 (Equivalence with international standard: EN 62489-1:2010, IEC 62489-1:2010) (Modified by: UNE-EN 62489-1:2010/A1:2015, UNE-EN 62489-1: 2010/A2:2018)

Approval date: February 9, 2011

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Issue: Communication


This part of the IEC 62489 series of Standards applies to components of audiofrequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing. It can also be applied to these systems that are used for other purposes, as long as it is applicable. This standard is intended to promote an accurate and uniform presentation of manufacturers’ specifications, which can be verified using standardized measurement methods. It is intended for type tests.

Geographic scope of application: Europe

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