Queen Letizia Award 2017 for Promotion of the Labor Insertion of People with Disabilities: Pascual Quality

Place: Madrid

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare

Entity type: State public institution

Scope of action: Spain

Improvement obtained: “In the case of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion, Corporación Empresarial Pascual closed the year 2014 with 2.44% of people with disabilities on staff, and at the end of June 2015 we were at 2.44%. 61%, thus exceeding the legal minimum required and with the live commitment to continue growing in percentage as the work and economic environment in which we find ourselves helps us grow as a company.”

Description of the performance / Activity:

“Responsible management at Pascual derives from the mandate received in the company’s Mission and Vision, consisting of developing the concept of creating shared value in its broadest sense: economic, social, environmental… applying the highest standards to this end. of good government. The commitment to direct and indefinite employment has always been one of the key axes that have defined the strategy regarding people and, together with this commitment since the beginning of the company, the interest in the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups or in situations of risk or social exclusion.”

Related information:
News on the Calidad Pascual website
Memories of the Queen Letizia Awards 2016-2017