Royal Decree 1544/2007, of November 23, which regulates the basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for the access and use of modes of transport for people with disabilities

Exact name (in spanish): Real Decreto 1544/2007, de 23 de noviembre, por el que se regulan las condiciones básicas de accesibilidad y no discriminación para el acceso y utilización de los modos de transporte para personas con discapacidad

Current update: September 18, 2011

Approval date: BOE no. 290 of December 4, 2007

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of the Presidency

Issue: Transport


“… this royal decree determines the basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for its use by people with disabilities for the modes of transport by rail, sea, air, road, urban and suburban bus, metropolitan railway, taxi and services of special transportation, also setting its implementation schedule, within the framework of what is established by the eighth final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2.”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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