Editorial: University of Salamanca
Author/s: Miguel Ángel Verdugo Alonso, Antonio Manuel Amor González, María Fernández Sánchez, Patricia Navas Macho and María Isabel Calvo Álvarez
Year of publication: 2018
Subject: Normative, Education
Support: Digital
Students with intellectual disabilities require good assessment and intervention practices from holistic approaches to guarantee their right to inclusive education. These practices are ordered by state educational legislation that is specified in the regulations of each autonomous community. The variety of existing regulations demands their individualized critical review to assess whether they offer scientifically supported frameworks that support the decisions made. Method: the state educational legislation and the current normative specifications that regulate attention to diversity in each community have been analyzed using a checklist that includes the variables that define each phase of attention to diversity and the evaluation and intervention procedures in each community. intellectual disability. Results: attention to diversity places the focus of evaluation and intervention on organizational-curricular aspects, neglecting evaluation and intervention in self-determination and quality of life, essential in the development and inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities. Conclusions: special educational needs as understood by current regulations and the lack of developments linked to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are barriers to inclusive practices for students with intellectual disabilities, making it necessary to adopt scientific models of evaluation-intervention that support the development of legal frameworks that guarantee inclusion and are aimed at the maximum possible development and improvement of the quality of life of these students.
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