Editorial: CERMI
Author/s: Antonio Jiménez Lara
Year of publication: 2011
Subject: Communication, Technology
Support: Digital
In recent years, digital differences connected to gender, age or unemployment situations have been reduced. However, there are still structural disparities that do not disappear and some challenges still remain. One of them is the accessibility of people with disabilities and older people to information and communication technologies (ICT). We find the need to promote strategies to promote digital inclusion, focused on overcoming access barriers and promoting skills and motivation for a large group that continues to face many barriers to the use of ICT products and services. This report, promoted by the Vodafone Foundation and CERMI, outlines the current state of digital inclusion in Spain, detecting shortcomings and pointing out good practices. It analyzes reality to formulate proposals to improve the technological environment, offering guidelines for both public authorities and technology companies and social sectors. Essential element for social life.
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