Editorial: Universitat Politècnica de València
Author/s: Puyuelo Cazorla, Marina Val Fiel, Mónica Merino Sanjuan, María Dolores
Year of publication: 2018
Subject: Built environment, Culture and leisure
Support: Físico y digital
The resources, technologies and devices that can be used in the context of the interpretation of culture, configure a field of research that requires constant review in order to obtain broader and more versatile applications both in the accessibility of the places themselves, as well as in the transmission of its content as cultural heritage. This publication presents an overview of the most implemented solutions and knowledge about their contribution from the perspective of inclusive design. As concrete results, its impact on the most vulnerable groups is analyzed, based on two approaches: on the one hand, the study of field carried out in the heritage sites visited, and on the other, the assessment of professionals and experts on the importance of the availability of these products. The results obtained are mainly qualitative in nature and show a dynamic reality in which the need to improve the quality of visits prevails, taking into account the diversity and sustainability of these enclaves.
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