Ávila European City of Accessibility 2011

Place: Ávila

Entity that promotes it: European Comission

Entity type: Public institution at European level

Scope of action: Ávila

Improvement obtained: “...Among the available resources that tourists can find at the Visitor Reception Center, the loan of wheelchairs for people with reduced mobility who visit the city stands out and will make it easier for them to make the visit more comfortably. Those tourists who are hearing aid users or have a cochlear implant will be able to communicate more easily through the magnetic loop that is installed at the information desk on the ground floor. And if the tourist wants to start getting to know the city, they can do so through a multimedia information point that offers tourist information about the city, routes, monuments,...etc. This information point allows the size of the characters to be expanded, and offers the voiceover in several languages, among which Spanish sign language must be highlighted.” The city also has typhological models, audio and video guides, accessible sections that allow you to travel and make routes through the city, easy-to-read information and a guide with detailed information on the city's accessible resources.”

Description of the performance / Activity:

“Ávila is one of the main accessible tourism destinations in Spain. For years we have been working hard to offer an inclusive offer, in which everyone can live and enjoy city life with equal opportunities. Accessibility and inclusion have become the leitmotiv of the Ávila City Council, a fact that has contributed to the walled city being a benchmark for the work carried out in terms of accessibility, as supported by the numerous awards received, among which highlight the CERMI, Reina Sofía or having been declared the first European City of Accessibility in 2011”

Related information:
News from the Ávila City Council
Ávila of all
Access City Award 2011 Report (English)