Towards quality social services appropriate to the support needs of people with disabilities

Publication title: Towards quality social services appropriate to the support needs of people with disabilities

Editorial: CERMI

Author/s: CERMI

Year of publication: 2012

Subject: Personal autonomy, Public administration

Support: Digital


“Prepared by CERMI Cantabria and its member organizations, it examines a list of disability social services, from the practical experience of those who manage them in many cases, to propose renewed ways of doing and acting that maximize their inclusive and always attended to potential.” from a strict human rights perspective. The exercise is not only suggestive, it is indicative and is a precursor of what the disability movement has left to do on a broader and more comprehensive basis: not limiting itself to administering according to received patterns the little that a greedy environment has put into practice. our hands, but to multiply the possibilities that for the purpose of real inclusion can be contained in everything within our reach, including social services, of which at some point we were tempted to despair.”

Inquiry link

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