Analysis of the causes that hinder the access of students with disabilities to university and vocational training

Publication title: Analysis of the causes that hinder the access of students with disabilities to university and vocational training

Editorial: Royal Board on Disability

Author/s: FETE UGT

Year of publication: 2012

Subject: Education

Support: Digital, CD-Rom


The access of students with disabilities to university and vocational training has increased considerably in recent years, but it still continues to be a subject that needs improvement. This work, based on a qualitative study with interviews with students, parents, technicians and teachers and other experts, addresses the barriers that students with disabilities face in accessing higher education, among which can be found lack of accessibility, the rigidity of the educational system, the lack of existing information and training, situations of discrimination or the insufficient involvement at times of some members of the educational community. However, opportunities and guidelines are also presented to improve the situation, based on the theoretical principles of inclusive education and good practices already implemented, which involve raising student awareness, curricular adaptations, improvements in communication and coordination with agents involved and a greater connection between secondary and higher educational stages.

Inquiry link

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