UNE-CEN/TS 81-76:2012 Safety rules for the construction and installation of elevators. Particular applications for passenger and passenger and freight elevators. Part 76: Evacuation of disabled people using elevators

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-CEN/TS 81-76:2012 Reglas de seguridad para la construcción e instalación de ascensores. Aplicaciones particulares para los ascensores de pasajeros y de pasajeros y cargas. Parte 76: Evacuación de las personas con discapacidad que utilicen los ascensores.

Current update: January 1, 2014 (Equivalence with the international standard: CEN/TS 81-76:2011, Will be canceled by: PNE-prEN 81-76)

Approval date: March 14, 2012

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Issue: Built environment


This technical specification provides the rules for the specific use of an elevator by people with disabilities in the evacuation of a building. To achieve this objective, the selected elevator(s) should be incorporated into the overall building design, which includes the usual stairs and escape routes without any reduction in their number or capacity. This document specifies particular precautions and safety rules to help people with disabilities evacuate a building safely using elevators with relative safety, and with the help of appropriately trained evacuation assistants.

Geographic scope of application: Europe

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