Royal Decree 921/2010, of July 16, which modifies the Statute of the Royal Board of Trustees on Disability approved by Royal Decree 946/2001, of August 3, to regulate the Center for Linguistic Normalization of Spanish Sign Language

Exact name (in spanish): Real Decreto 921/2010, de 16 de julio, por el que se modifica el Estatuto del Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad aprobado por el Real Decreto 946/2001, de 3 de agosto, para regular el Centro de Normalización Lingüística de la Lengua de Signos Española

Current update: July 18, 2010

Approval date: BOE no. 173 of July 17, 2010

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of the Presidency

Issue: Communication


“In accordance with its law of creation, the Center for Linguistic Normalization of Spanish Sign Language has the purpose of researching, promoting and disseminating Spanish sign language, as well as ensuring its proper use, observing the transversality in the policies and lines of action in any of the areas of public action. In developing these legal provisions, it is up to the Government, after hearing the National Council on Disability, to regulate the Center for Linguistic Normalization of the Spanish Sign Language and to constitute its Governing Council, and this is responsible for this. royal decree.”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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