Law 6/2022, of March 31, modifying the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, to establish and regulate cognitive accessibility and its conditions of demand and application for your knowledge.

Exact name (in spanish): Ley 6/2022, de 31 de marzo, de modificación del Texto Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, para establecer y regular la accesibilidad cognitiva y sus condiciones de exigencia y aplicación para vuestro conocimiento.

Current update: April 1, 2022

Approval date: March 31, 2022

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: head of state


It is therefore necessary to address the reform of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion, in order to effectively ensure cognitive accessibility for all people with difficulties in understanding and communicating the physical environment, transportation, information and communication, including
information and communications systems and technologies, and other services and facilities available or for public use, both in urban and rural areas.

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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