UNE-EN ISO 9241-20:2009 Ergonomics of person-system interaction. Part 20: Accessibility guidelines for information/communication technology (ICT) equipment and services

Exact name (in spanish): : UNE-EN ISO 9241-20:2009 Ergonomía de la interacción persona-sistema. Parte 20: Pautas de accesibilidad para equipos y servicios de tecnologías de información/comunicación (TIC)

Current update: October 28, 2009 (Equivalence with international standard: EN ISO 9241-20:2009, ISO 9241-20:2008)

Approval date: October 28, 2009

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Issue: Technology


This part of ISO 9241 is intended to help developers make ICT equipment and services (and future new or innovative equipment and services) usable by the widest range of people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. , their limitations or their culture.

Geographic scope of application: International

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