UNE 41524:2010 Accessibility in buildings. General design rules for the spaces and elements that make up the building. Relationship, endowment and use

Exact name (in spanish): UNE 41524:2010 Accesibilidad en la edificación. Reglas generales de diseño de los espacios y elementos que forman el edificio. Relación, dotación y uso

Current update: January 10, 2017 (Will be canceled by: PNE-prEN 17210)

Approval date: October 6, 2010

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Spanish Standardization (UNE)

Issue: Built environment


This standard establishes the general design rules that enable the accessibility of buildings and their linked urban spaces to their users. To do this, in addition to applying the parameters defined in the accessibility standards relating to the different elements and spaces, both in building and urban planning the criteria of: Relationship and connection between the different spaces and elements must be taken into account; Provision and provision of accessible elements, systems and facilities; Use, when appropriate, of spaces, elements and facilities for exclusive or preferential use by people with disabilities.

These criteria are established in a general way for all buildings and linked urban spaces, without prejudice to the fact that specific criteria are established for some uses.

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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