UNE-EN ISO 24500:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Auditory signals for consumer products (English)

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-EN ISO 24500:2010 Ergonomía. Diseño accesible. Señales auditivas para productos de consumo (Inglés)

Current update: January 1, 2011 (Equivalence with the international standard: EN ISO 24500:2010, Will be canceled by: PNE-prEN ISO 24550, PNE-prEN ISO 24551)

Approval date: January 1, 2011

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Issue: Communication/ Products and services


This International Standard specifies the acoustic signals used in response to operations or conditions of consumer products when used by a person with or without visual impairment. It is intended to be applied appropriately for these products depending on their characteristics and conditions of use.

Geographic scope of application: International

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